BITE Editorial Calendar

In this article find the BITE editorial calendar for March, April, May, June, July and August


To find out more about BITE visit the
About BITE article.

If you'd like to write for BITE, you can explore the themes of our editorial calendar and get in touch with the editorial team.

Catch up with what's been happening over at BITE in the meantime.

Our core themes coming up:


Focus: Responsible representation drives creativity

Pinboard Focus: Beyond Empowerment  

BITE Big Question: Will International Women’s Day 2023 finally be the year brands embrace communication through demonstration?


Focus: Redefining Aspiration

Pinboard Focus: Circular Collaboration   

BITE Big Question: Should brands do more to lean on the power of cultural connection to drive the circular economy forward faster?


Focus: New Food Love Stories

Pinboard Focus: Social Anxiety

BITE Big Question: Do brands need to do more to recognise the growing unease of the mental health impact of social media amongst consumers?


Focus: Beyond Backlash

Pinboard Focus: Sports New Era of Storytelling

BITE Big Question: Will the Paris Olympics mark a new era of inclusive, accessible sports storytelling?


Focus: Sport Marketing’s Return on Inclusion

Pinboard Focus: Messy Marketing 

BITE Big Question: Are brands still treating ‘real people’ as a marketing gimmick and should they be braver in embracing the messy reality of consumers' lives?


Focus: Comfort Marketing

Pinboard Focus: Energising the Experience Economy 

BITE Big Question: Should brands be doing more to offer consumers escapism in the midst of the cost of living crisis?


Get in touch with our editorial team:

staff photos_nicky-1
Nicola Kemp

Editorial Director, Creativebrief