In this article you will find out what a case study is, how to add and edit them and FAQs
- Case studies and what can be included
- How to add a case study
- How to edit a draft or published case study
- How to make a case study inactive
- FAQs
Case studies and what can be included
Case studies allow you to tell the full stories behind your hero work from brief to output and results.
Read our best practice case study guide
How to add a case study
You have to be logged in as an admin to view the control panel on the menu. If you can't view the control panel contact your agency admin or Creativebrief to manage your permissions.
Select the 'Case studies' page and click 'Add Case Study'
Follow the prompts in the 'Settings' tab and fill in the fields
Switch to the 'Content' tab
Drag and drop the content and media blocks into the preview window
Utilise the different types of content and media blocks available
- Title
- Content
- Quote
- Block quote
- Q&A
- Divider
- Statistics
- Featured image
- Full width
- 2 Column
- Image with text
- Video
To add copy to a text content block:
Click the text content block in the left-hand preview and edit the copy on the right
Save the text block before moving onto the next block
Copy and paste your text from Text Editor if you're using a Mac and Notepad on a PC as you can format the copy and avoid corrupted html text.
To add an image to a media content block:
Select the media block on the left-hand preview and add an image on the right by clicking the '+' symbol
Drag and drop the image from your desktop or files or 'Browse this device' to view your files
Click 'Upload image'
Use the crop tool
Click 'Save crop'
For 2 column images and image with text choose the orientation of the images or orientation of the text and images in the top right hand corner
When adding videos paste YouTube or Vimeo links
Add a caption if required
Select the content or media block to move the block up or down, duplicate it or delete it
Click 'Save' to save the case study
- Read our best practice case study guide to make sure you include all the key components of a case study
- Utilise all the different content and media block options
How to edit a draft or published case study
If you have saved a case study as a draft, select the 'Inactive' tab
Hover in the top right-hand corner of the case study thumbnail for the menu to appear
Click 'Edit'
Once you've edited the case study, click 'Publish'
If you have published a case study, hover in the top right-hand corner of the case study thumbnail for the menu to appear
Click 'Edit'
Once you've edited the case study, click 'Publish'
How to make a case study inactive
In the active folder, hover in the top right-hand corner of the case study thumbnail to view the menu
Select 'Make Inactive'
If your question isn't answered below reach out to our agency team.
What should be included in a case study?
Read our best practice guide for guidance on structure, copy ideas, word count and tips.
Where do case studies feature?
- On the agency profile under the 'Case Studies' section
- On the homepage on the case study reel for a select time
- On the case study page
- In search results
- In content alerts sent to brands
How many case studies can be added to an agency profile?
Depending on the membership package, will depend on the number of case studies that can be published to an agency profile.
To add more case studies upgrade your membership package.
I have run out of case studies, can I swap a case study out for a new one?
Case studies can be edited and deleted once published. Read how to change a case study from active to inactive here.
Can case studies be edited or deleted once published?
Case studies can be edited and deleted once published. Read how here.
How often should I upload or edit my case studies?
Case studies aren't going to be updated as frequently as new work. We recommend uploading new case studies as and when you have them. It's worth checking your case studies every 4-6 weeks as a minimum, as there may be other images, details or results to add.
What type of case studies should I upload?
Brands are accessing the platform to read case studies across all disciplines. Upload case studies showing your best pieces of work, in one of three formats. Upload a case study focusing on a single campaign under a single discipline, a fully integrated campaign or case study showing work with multiple disciplines, or alternatively, upload a case study showing the work you have achieved with a brand over a longer time period to show the growth of the brand's work.
What should I write in the summary of case studies?
There are 280 characters to outline the campaign or project. This features under the thumbnail on your profile and in alerts.
The summary is searchable so bear this in mind when writing the summary. Include keywords that brands will be searching for like 'brand turnaround', 'OOH campaign', 'Gen Z' audience for greater discoverability.
Use our tags lists as a basis for the keywords to include in case studies
What are the image size guides for media blocks?
These are found next to the image upload when you add a media block and in our image size guide article.
How do I increase the number of case studies on my agency profile?
If you'd like to increase the number of case studies speak to your account manager or email our agency team to upgrade the membership package.
What is the difference between new work and case studies?
New work is a snapshot of any new projects or campaigns that have just launched. They're short and snappy including an image and/or video of the campaign or project and 280 character summary. Whereas case studies are a deep dive into your most successful campaigns. Case studies include multiple images, videos and 800-1000 words often sharing the challenge, insight, strategy, approach, solution and results of the campaign.
The video link I have added doesn't work
Make sure the YouTube or Vimeo link you are using is the original link without timestamps or extra settings added.
Occasionally extra code is added to the end of a video link that will need to be removed. Watch the video for step-by-step guidance on how to do this.
Why do I have to tag case studies?
Tagging your case studies with all three tags (discipline, sector and business objectives) increases the chance of your case studies being discovered by brands in the search and will enable your case studies to appear in content alerts.
What are canonical tags?
Duplicate content that is found on the web is penalised in SEO value. The way to avoid this is to declare a canonical link which tells search engines that the content is duplicate and points to the original source content. In our example within the case study builder all the agency has to do is add the URL of the original case study in the canonical link field of the case study editor, usually this URL would be a page on their own website. This ensures they will not be penalised for duplicate content found on the web.
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