In this article find out how to find agencies, discover 'What's New', and agency 'Best Known For' lists and followed agencies
Part of the Creativebrief Marketing Intelligence Platform allows you to make connections and stay up to date with the agency landscape. Find descriptions and how-to guides on the pages that allow you to do this below.
Discover Agencies
The 'Discover Agencies' page allows you to filter and sort the agency profiles based on discipline, location and ownership of choice.
Filter to refine by discipline, location and ownership, click 'Update'
What's New
The 'What's New' page allows you to see what new agency content has been uploaded recently.
Within the 'Agencies' page select 'What's New'
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Followed Agencies
'Followed Agencies' allows you to collate agency profiles you are keen to stay connected to. The 'Followed Agencies' page collates your list and shares their most recent content upload. You'll also find them on your alert each Tuesday.
Within the 'Agencies' page select 'Followed Agencies'
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You can follow an agency in two ways:
- On the agency profile
- Via the piece of content (New Work, Case Study, Insight Paper)
To follow an agency via their profile, click 'Follow' on the left-hand side
To 'Follow' an agency via content, click 'Follow' at the top of the piece of content
Best Known For lists
Interested in finding out who the hottest agencies for the youth audience, or the best agencies for the food & drink sector or perhaps you are interested in seeing Creative Equals DE&I accredited agencies? Visit the 'Best Known For Lists' curated by Creativebrief, based on our unrivalled knowledge of the agency landscape.
Within the 'Agencies' page select 'Best Known For'
Click 'Best Known For' to view our pick of agencies by specialist sectors, approaches and accreditations
Watch the video:
Message agencies
The Creativebrief Marketing Intelligence Platform is all about staying connected. Use the 'Message' button the chat to agencies. Whether it's because you have an interest in a piece of new work they've created, or you'd like to find out more about a case study they've uploaded or a recent insight paper, use the message button to have a no-strings attached conversation.
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